Borrowing policies

Depending on schedules, some preschools have Media class once a week for 30 minutes. They are allowed to take home 1 book each week. If they fail to return it, they may not take another one until the late book is returned.


Kindergarteners have Media class once a week for 30 minutes. They are allowed to take home 1 book each week. If they fail to return it, they may not take another one until the late book is returned.

First Grade

First graders have Media class once a week for 40 minutes. They are allowed to borrow 2 books each week. If they fail to return one of the books, they are only allowed to take one more book. If they do not return any books, they are not allowed to take any home.

Second Grade

Second graders have Media class for 40 minutes every other week. They are allowed to borrow 2 books each time with the same policy as First graders. 

Return Policy

It is up to the discretion of the classroom teacher if they will allow students to return finished or late books on a day they do not have Media.

Overdue Books

If a student is absent on the day books are due, s/he has until the end of the week to return them.  Overdue email notices go out automatically on Saturdays.  Again, notices are automated, so if the book was due that week and has not been returned, the system will send an email.  

If school is closed on your child's library day, it is best to return books on the next possible school day to avoid an overdue email.