April 2020

Health Office Procedures For Your Child's Safety
Posted on 07/11/2019

I would like to remind you of some procedures that are to be followed in helping to safeguard your child's health.


1. The school attempts to provide an environment in which the student will be safe from accidents.  If any accident or sudden illness occurs, first aid will be administered. No care beyond first aid will be given by the school physician or nurse.  The student’s parent/guardian will be notified of illness and acute injury, including head or eye injury. 

2.  Please keep Genesis updated.  This is used for the emergency contact numbers for your child if he or she should become ill or in case of any emergency.  The following information must be included:

       a.   The student's home phone number.

       b.  Work numbers for parents.

       c.   Two names and phone numbers of local people who can care for your child in your absence.

        Please update the information if it has changed since the beginning of school.

3. DO NOT SEND A STUDENT WHO IS COMPLAINING OF FEELING ILL, OR WHO HAS HAD A FEVER THE NIGHT BEFORE TO SCHOOL.   Children must be fever-free for 24hours before they return to school (WITHOUT TYLENOL OR ADVIL). Those children who are sent to school in less than 24 hours will be sent home upon their arrival.  These children invariably feel ill in class and must be sent home.  It is unfair to the other children in the class, as well as the teacher, to be exposed to a student with a possible contagious illness.

4.  When a student will be out of school for any length of time, please indicate this in Genesis  For a prolonged illness of three or more days, a physician’s note is required for admittance into class.

5.  If any medication must be administered to a student during school hours, it MUST be submitted under the following conditions to the nurse.

       a.  The approved school district form (available online at www.ww-p.org) for the “Administration of Medication in School” must be completed by the student’s physician, and signed by the parent.

       b.  The form and the container with the pharmacist‘s label designating patient’s name, instructions, name of drug and name of physician must be given to the nurse by the parent.

6.   If a student cannot take physical education classes due to an illness for a prolonged period of time, a note from a physician is required.  If the illness is short term, a week or less, a note stating the reason for the excuse must be sent by the parent to the nurse.

7.  In order to attend school, state law dictates that each student's immunization requirements must be fulfilled.  These requirements are stated in the district registration packets which can be found online at www.ww-p.org.


If you have any questions regarding the above information, please call Mrs. Healey at 716-5450 x 5452.  The main thrust of our efforts is directed at the well being of your child in a healthy school environment.  Only through parent-school cooperation can this be accomplished.


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