

Wixie is a cloud-based publishing and creativity platform that lets students share what they know through their art, their voice, and their writing.

Blending original art and images with text and voice recording makes Wixie the perfect canvas for today’s digital learners. Wixie gives students powerful tools to author a variety of performance tasks that demonstrate understanding.

Publishing with technology encourages critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills, appealing to students with a variety of learning styles.

Wixie supports strong school-to-home connections. Since student work is in the cloud, it is easy for students and teachers to share work with family and community.

Available online without the extra step of publishing work, students can easily share their work outside of the classroom, providing a broader audience for their efforts and motivating them to do their best.

See what your child has been making in Wixie!

If your child wants to work in Wixie at home, go to: ww-p.wixie.com

Your student can log in using:
Username: Same as Typing Agent                        
Password:  Same as Typing Agent

Wixie runs on a variety of devices, including:

iPads through an iPad app available in the App Store.
(Use Domain ww-p)

Android tablets through an app*  available on Google Play.

*Requires minimum resolution of 960 x 720.

Kindle Fire HDs through through Amazon.

Chromebooks through an app available at the Chrome Store.

Windows and OSX computers with Flash 11-capable browsers.

Please head to www.tech4learning.com/wixie to find links that will help you get Wixie running on your device.

We are excited to be using this 21st century communication tool in West Windsor Plainsboro. If you have any questions about Wixie, or concerns about using it at home, please let me know. 

[email protected]