Meaningful Summer Activities :)

I Know What We’re Going to do Today!

Fun and Meaningful summer activities for you and your child

Erica Anas

School Counselor

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There is a lot of information on the Internet.  There are a lot of lists, articles, and recommendations.  Whenever I plan for my parent discussion group, Coffee with the Counselor, I spend a lot of time going through different resources, piecing together the information that is relevant for my intended purpose.  

This time around, I needed to give suggestions for things to do this summer - meaningful summer activities.  I wanted to be able to suggest activities and places in the area my students live, so I started Googling. But as I mentioned above, there is a lot of information on the Internet- how do I know which ideas and places are BEST?  So I texted my friends for ideas and then I went on Facebook and requested recommendations of meaningful summer activities that people do with their children/memorable things they did as a child. The following is a list of some ideas from my friends, from the Internet, and from my head.  I added links to things wherever they were relevant, so make sure you check those out. And shoutout to everyone that contributed to the list :)