Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

The students and staff at Wicoff are continuing to enhance the Character Education Program by filling class buckets with positive messages. The goal is to create a more positive school environment by encouraging the students to reach out and express kindness, respect and appreciation for others. Carol McCloud's book entitled Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  A Guide to Daily Happiness, explains that everyone walks through life carrying an imaginary bucket.  When our bucket is full we feel loved and fulfilled, however, when it is empty, we feel sad and lonely. A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things for other people.  By doing this they are filling other people's buckets, as well as their own at the same time.  When someone is a bucket dipper, they say or do things that cause other people to feel badly. The philosophy is simple.  When you choose to be a bucket filler you bring love and happiness into your life and the lives of others.  When you choose to be a bucket dipper, you choose to bring sadness and loneliness into your life and the lives of others. The big question for the students at Wicoff is, "Which one will you be...a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?"


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