January 2020

​January 2019

Norovirus can last anywhere from 24 to 72 hours.  Some of the symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, dry skin and dry mouth.  The best treatment for the norovirus is to hydrate, and it has to run its course.

Both the flu and norovirus can spread through the classroom quickly, especially when students are sent back to school when they are still contagious.  Frequent hand washing and avoiding people who already are sick are good ways to keep the germs away, but those who already are sick should stay home to avoid spreading germs to other people.  

The WW-P policy regarding returning to school is that the student must not return to school the following day after being sent home and after that must be fever-free and symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.  Please help everyone by following the district's policy. 

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